Linux - introduction to Linux Fundamentals (by tribe29)
Three days and everything included - that is the vision of this newly designed Linux crash course for prospective administrators. The seminar is self-contained and complete and covers all topics that are of interest for the administration of a Linux server.
Private Course
Please sign in to contact responsible.
Responsible | Delia Diaconu |
Last Update | 07/21/2022 |
Completion Time | 8 hours 15 minutes |
Members | 24 |
Spearhead Lab
Introduction to Linux Fundamental (course content)
Day 1
1. Login and user
2. tmux in the spearhead.cloud lab
3. The command line
4. Bash: History
5. The script command
Exercise time (The command line)
6. Directories
7. List directory contents with ls
8. Create and delete files
9. Wildcards *. ? and []
Copy & Move
Symbolic links
Hardlinks and inodes
Exercise time (Files and directories)
Show text files
Compare text files
Midnight Commander
Text editor vim
Day 2
Search text with grep
Search text with find
Exercise time (Text files, search, find)
Input/output redirection
Packing and unpacking
Exercise time (Input/output, pipes, packing/unpacking)
Users & Groups
File attributes, special bits and ACLs
Exercise time (user management)
Device files
Hard disk partitions and file systems
LVM (Logical Volume Manager)
Exercise time (Processes)
Watch processes
Boot process with systemd
Day 3
journalctl: Evaluate log files
Execute processes on time
event-driven processes execution
Exercise time (Boot process, cron)
Manage software
Source codes
Exercise time (Manage software)
Network configuration
SSH - Secure Shell
Exercise time (SSH)